Beware! For He Is Very Hungry and Very Thirsty


Nast portrays President-elect Grover Cleveland as a strong political force. He holds a club to fight off the approaching Democratic Tiger. Cleveland wears the skin of a tiger, symbolizing the taking down of Tammany Hall. He stands ready to hit the approaching tiger with a club labeled “Independent” underscoring his position as not beholden to the Democratic pollical machine. The caption reads: “Ability and zeal in the service will be the measures of usefulness. The rules of the Civil Service Commission will govern all minor appointments.”- Grover Cleveland. One of Cleveland’s campaign promises was to appoint people to office on merit and not political affiliation. Nast wants Cleveland to hold true to this promise of Civil Service reform.

Object Information

Date Created:

November 29, 1884

Local ID:



Collection of Macculloch Hall Historical Museum


Thomas Nast (1840-1902), "Beware! For He Is Very Hungry and Very Thirsty", Harper's Weekly, November 29, 1884, TN2011.1169


Thomas Nast




Public Domain