Teresita Sandoval


Painting of Teresite Sandoval

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Year of La Chicana


Commissioned as part of Year of La Chicana, History Colorado Arlette Lucero was selected by the El Movimiento Advisory Committee to be the Artist in Residence at History Colorado Center for 2019. She is a Denver native who grew up surrounded by the Chicano movement. Arlette earned a bachelor's degree in fine arts from CSU in Fort Collins and has taught art education for over twenty years. She is a current member of the Chicano Humanities and Arts Council of Denver. Arlette says, “My paintings and sculptures are visual poetic expressions of my emotions, feeling and desires. Using a combination of realism, symbolism and vibrant colors, I try to capture the sensual mystery of my original concept. My pieces are illustrations of stories, poems, and personal obsessions. As a woman, I love to paint beautiful women of timeless ages in endless time. They are the Goddesses of many cultures or simple mothers.” Arlette painted on-site in the second floor niches at the History Colorado Center during September 2019, creating three paintings that were then reproduced into large photo murals (in honor of three Chicanas selected by the El Movimiento committee) hung on the 4th floor atrium walls of the HCC for the Year of La Chicana. She also completed a community photo collage of additional Chicanas (not part of this accession). The photo murals at HCC were part of the opening reception of The Year of La Chicana held on Saturday, September 21, 2019. The Year of La Chicana is/was to celebrate and honor La Chicana (past, present and future). The opening reception aim was to bring together Chicana activists and their communities from across the state of Colorado and engage a wide range of communities interested in the story of Colorado Chicanas., Arlette Lucero Biography


Arlette Lucero


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