The Impact and Influence of Refrigeration Technology

Document 1: Refrigerating Machine Patent

Experimental refrigeration machine, prototype of the Monitor-top refrigerator, 1926

Document 1, cover page of U.S. Patent for Refrigeration Machines, issued to Christian Steenstrup of General Electric, 26 January 1932

Document 1 Worksheet

Refrigerating Machine Patent


After carefully reading the document given to you, answer the following questions in complete sentences.


1.  What kind of document is this?


 2.  What is a patent?


3.     What important information is missing from this patent document?


 4.  What is the purpose of a patent?


 5.  What is the date of this document?


6.  What is this particular patent for?

7.  List three facts stated in the document that you believe are important. Why do you consider

     them important?


8.  Where is the United States Patent Office?  What are some of the things you would find there?

Document 1 Overview: Refrigerating Machine Patent

The document included is the cover of Christian Steenstrup’s patent for the monitor top refrigerator. The body of the patent, which would be attached to this document, contained specific descriptions of the invention, and how it worked.



          Social Studies, Language Arts, Science


Grade Levels:



Materials Needed:

          Copy of Patent excerpt

          Page magnifiers


          Computer or Dictionary


Learning Objectives:

          1. To understand the purpose of a patent

          2. To read and analyze a document and to make observations and conclusions based on its




          1. Distribute copies of the Refrigerating Machine Patent excerpt to each student.

          2. Distribute page magnifiers to each student.

          3. Distribute worksheets to each student.

          4. Have the students look up the term patent on the computer or in a dictionary.

          5. Have the students read the patent and complete the worksheet.

          6. Discuss the completed worksheets.