Understanding Climate Change through Indigenous Basketry

Interview with Tohono O'odham Basketweaver Terrol Dew Johnson

Tohono O'odham baskets with traditional and modern designs. Some of the designs are man in the maze, squash blossom, star and wheat. Credit: Arizona Sate Museum, 1972, Tohono O'odham Collection 1970-1980, Helga Teiwes Photographer, https://azmemory.azlibrary.gov/nodes/view/94182.

Terrol Dew Johnson, 2019, Arizona State Museum Interview conducted by Rachel Espinosa

Listen to Terrol Dew Johnson, a Tohono O'odham artist, talk about the various roles baskets have in his community in both the past and present. Terrol Johnson is award-winning artist working in basketry, jewelry, and photography media among others.

What have baskets been used for?

Why were they made in the past and why are they being made today?