Understanding Climate Change through Indigenous Basketry

Circle Loom Weaving Activity


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Create your own basket!

Steps 1 - 6

For this activity you will need:

Yarn, paper place, scissors, pencil, pony beads (optional).

Prepare the materials:

1. Mark 19 equally spaces lines along the outside of the rim. Cut notches about an inch long into the rim of the plate. This will be your loom.

2. Measure out a small ball of yarn that will be used to warp, or string, the loom by wrapping yarn through your hand and around your elbow five times.

Warping the loom

3. Put the tail end of yarn into a notch with a few inches of yarn hanging in the back.

4. Bring the length of yarn down the front of the loom dividing it in half with eight empty notches on the left and nine empty notches on the right.

5. Cross string underneath one notch to the right in the back of the loom. String through to the front (see Figure 1).

6. Turn the loom 180 degrees so the string is now at the top. Bring the length of yarn down again and cross behind right notch (see Figure 2).