A Roman Frontier Fort in Scotland

Roman Civilization

A overview of the development of the Roman civilization, from its early periods of Kingdom and Republic to the development of its Empirical period. Particular focus is given to the invasion of Britain and the developments in and around the Trimontium fort in Scotland. Why is the Roman Empire considered one of the largest and most influential in western history?

753 BCE

509 BCE

55 BCE

27 CE

60 CE
Queen Boudicca from the Iceni tribe led a revolt against the Romans in Britain. The revolt included burning down much of Londinium (London).

43 CE

79 CE
Mount Vesuvius, the volcano, erupted. The city of Pompeii is destroyed. It was covered in ash and lava.

64 CE

80 CE
The construction of the Colosseum in Rome is finished.

80 CE

114 CE

122 CE

142 CE

180 CE

208 CE

306 CE

1905 CE