Arts, Crafts, Tools, and Symbols: Learn with The Museum of Russian Art

Learning: Exploring Symbols

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In this slideshow, you'll analyze the symbols you see on objects in the exhibition "Peasant Women of the Russian North: Heritage of a Culture Lost." Next, you can visit the activity "Design a Personal Symbol" to create a symbol of your own! Guiding questions to keep in mind: 1) What can objects teach us about the past? 2) What do the everyday objects we use reveal about our lives? 3) How is the production of cloth shaped by the culture and geography of the region?

What's a symbol?

Many of the items on display in the exhibition "Peasant Women of the Russian North" are decorated with designs, patterns, and symbols, like the embroidered towel seen here. What's a symbol?

A symbol is something that represents or stands in for something else. Can you think of any symbols from your everyday life? What do they look like, and what do they represent?

What shapes and figures do you see in the embroidery here? Describe it.

Visitors sometimes say the figure standing in the middle of this embroidery looks like an alien or a robot-- but really, it is a woman, with birds on either side of her. She represents a pagan goddess, the Mother Goddess, associated with life and creation. This is an ancient symbol, from long before Christianity arrived in Russia, and there are many different variations on the symbol.

Move to the next slide to look at more embroidered symbols.