Japanese Internment in Colorado
Democratic Principles: An Introduction
Become acquainted with several democratic principles and consider the degree to which Coloradans throughout our history have accepted and demonstrated these principles. This list of principles is not complete. These simply represent a sample of key principles. As you review the definition of each principle, think about examples that show up in your own life. During World War II, many of these principles came into conflict with one another when people of Japanese ancestry were removed from their homes and forced to live in Internment Camps. Think about these principles as you learn more about Japanese Internment through the story of Amache in Colorado.
Rule of Law
The rule of law means that no one is above the law. Everyone must obey the law. If they do not, they will be held accountable. The rule of law means that people cannot exercise power over others unless they are given the authority—the legal right—to do so.
Example(s) Obeying traffic laws. Accepting the results of a lawful election.