Keeping Her Head Straight for Civil Service Reform
This drawing was published in Harper’s Weekly on October 24, 1885, as a smaller four-inch by four-inch engraving in the upper left corner of the page. The caption of the engraving in Harper’s Weekly reads: New York. "Captain, Ohio tumbled overboard." Captain Cleveland. "I can't stop now." Nast depicts President Cleveland as the captain of the ship. This drawing is a nod to Cleveland’s stance on Civil Service reform. Nast agreed with the President’s policy of earning political appointments on merit and not along party lines or favoritism.
Object Information
Date Created:
October 24, 1885
Local ID:
Collection of Macculloch Hall Historical Museum
Thomas Nast (1840-1902), Keeping Her Head Straight for Civil Service Reform, Appeared in Harper's Weekly, October 24 1885, TN78.103
Thomas Nast
Pen and Ink Drawing
Public Domain