The History of Alcohol at Bethabara
There are hundreds of different kinds of beers one might come across, and it can be understandably overwhelming.
Beer is a blanket term for various styles from all across the globe. Indiana Pale Ale (IPA), Hefeweizen (German Wheat Beer), Stouts, Lagers, and Pilsners, are all beers as they are undistilled alcoholic drinks with fermentation and added hops and malt. All these examples are beer, however, not all are the same
of beer. Styles are determined by the fermentation process, types and amounts of malts/hops used, temperature, and additional ingredients added.
This section is meant to be a short guide to just a few different styles (Ales, Porters, Lagers, etc.), what their ingredients tend to be, and
they are made.
Created by: Historic Bethabara Park