Megalodon tooth


Megalodon lived 23 million and 3.6 million years ago and is estimated to have attained a maximum body length of 16-18 meters (52-60 feet), making it one of the largest sharks to ever exist. It has been found on all continents except Antarctica, indicating it probably had a worldwide distribution. There is some debate about megalodon’s evolutionary relationship to modern sharks. Some scientists think megalodon is more closely related to the modern great white sharks, while others think they are more closely related to modern mako sharks. This tooth was collected in August of 2016, 2017, or 2018 from Fossil Ledge (Inner and Outer Reef localities), 25-38 miles off the coast of southeastern North Carolina, near Wilmington, in 80-100 feet of water. Age of the fossil is estimated to be 6-10 million years old (late Miocene).

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