Hilleman & Vaccines: Connecting Culture to Scientific Curiosity (K-12 Curriculum)

This curriculum is organized around the life of Dr. Maurice Hilleman, groundbreaking microbiologist and vaccine developer. Dr. Hilleman was born and raised in rural Montana, so these lessons inspire curiosity in Montana's rural students as well as spark interest in global public health. The project links photographs from Hilleman's life that expand student knowledge of scientific concepts. The lessons were designed by a group of teachers who piloted the curriculum in Ekalaka, Mont. Content background was provided by Carter County Museum in consultation with Montana State University and Museum of the Rockies. This resource is broken into two units: one for K-6 and another for 9-12 grades. The Indian Education for All lessons are for grades 6-8 and contain a glossary for younger students. We welcome educators to use the entire curriculum the lesson that applies most to their current studies. The lessons are strongest when taught in sequential order.