Flying High with Hazel & Maggie: Chinese American Aviators in WWII

A Day in the Life at Avenger Field

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Learn about life at Avenger Field, where Maggie, Hazel, and other WASP pilots were trained.

Rise and Shine

A day in the life of a WASP at Avenger Field started bright and early. Maggie recounted that they would get up at 5:30-6 AM each day to the sound of a bugle, a special type of horn.

They would start their days immediately, by tidying their bays and ensuring everything in the barracks was in tip-top shape. After this, they would line up and march to breakfast together.

Maggie said they marched almost everywhere, just like soldiers in the military. They would march in formation to their meals, to the flight line, to calisthenics (their exercise routine), in parades, and during battle drills. They followed a strict military schedule.

When Maggie and the other WASPs first arrived at Avenger Field, they took the same oath of office that male flight cadets did. Their training was no walk in the park!

Photo: Page 2 of a 50 page photo album, which features images of Maggie Gee and other WASP trainees at Avenger Field. Page 2: "Off to Physical Training"

Courtesy of Maggie Gee, Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA), Maggie Gee Collection.