The 22nd and 24th President: Thomas Nast Illustrates Grover Cleveland
BONUS Primary Source Investigation- Thomas Nast Letter to Sarah Nast
Guiding Question
What happened to Nast after his political influence waned?
Library and Lyceum in Morristown, NJ, All rights reserved Morristown Morris Township Join Free Public Library, The North Jersey History & Genealogy Center
Five years after Grover Cleveland served his second term in the White House he visited Morristown, New Jersey on October 30, 1902. He spoke to a packed house at the Lyceum Hall. Thomas Nast was in Ecuador at this time and writes home to his wife Sarah. In the letter he writes:
“And Old FATTY Cleveland is – was- or has been in Morristown – to help ally (?) the Democrats- well – well I would have liked to see the big fat chap on our small Lyceum stage- was there room for any body else.”
Nast would pass away in Ecuador just about two weeks later on December 7, 1902.